This sign offers very good advice

Coconut Cake with 7 Minute Frosting
I made this cake for Kenny's birthday dinner this Wednesday past. I can't believe he is turning 30 on Sunday! I will have known him for 9 years come April 27th. I met him on his 21st birthday right before his drunken debauchery (which I did not attend because I was 17). Cradle robber.
If it makes you happy
Kenny: Wow. That sounds like a big waste of money. They are free at the store.
Me: Yes, but that is very wasteful.
Kenny: I really don't see the point.
Me: Well, they make me happy, so that should be enough. I don't see the point of your stupid remote control helicopter, but it makes you happy. That's enough for me. Plus, I won't break a part on my reusable bags every time I use them making me spend even more money like you do with your helicopter.
Kenny: That is true.
Green, but still trendy

Since it was Earth Day yesterday, I felt I needed to add another "earth friendly" thing to my list. I consider myself a relatively green person, but I can always do more. Every little bit helps!
I have been meaning to get some reusable grocery bags for a while now. But, every time I am at the store, all they have are the ones with the specific store's name on them. Sorry, but I don't want to tote around a King Soopers bag at the farmers market, or wherever. I am too shallow for that-I fully admit it. After searching for a few hours, I came across these. They have a few different styles, but I decided on the retro kitchen set.
I am very excited to use them. Hopefully, they aren't delivered in a box the size of a house, stuffed with Styrofoam peanuts...
Update: I got them and I LOVE them! To top it off, they were delivered in a very small recycled envelope-brilliant.

2. It was stuffed with paper
3. The toothbrush came in a PLASTIC package that does not decompose as fast as a oak leaf, not even close.
I was just wondering if your plastic packaging for your environmentally friendly toothbrush is also as biodegradable as the toothbrush itself.
Hi Lauren, The case is not as biodegradable as Bioceta, but we are in the process of changing the toothbrush packaging to a recycled paper.
Hope this helps!
So, what you are saying is I may as well have bought a regular toothbrush without the excess packaging....no difference.
Are you, or aren't you?
UPDATE: He came over and did a HORRIBLE job. Instead of a slight hill, there is a ledge. Instead of sidewalk, then grass-it goes, sidewalk, SAND, then grass. He cut it back too far. What is wrong with people and their work ethic??? (I should talk.....I am sitting at my desk, at work, writing a blog)
Banana Pudding

What month did this happen? Careful...
2. I woke up and looked outside to see about 5 inches of snow. I called work to see if there was a delay because of the slick roads. The dogs had to be pushed outside because they despise the cold weather and it was about 15 degrees out. I was almost late to work because I had to scrape the 2 inches of ice off of all my windows.
1. This Monday past
I am really ready for spring and nicer weather. This is crap.
Their parents must have hated them
These are a few names I have come at work. What is wrong with people?
Lemonjello and Orangejello: Pronounced Lem-ON-jillo and OR-on-jillo. Yes, Orange Jello and Lemon Jello.
Shithead: Pronounced Shi-theed
Phat Ho
Minny Mouse
It was created to give you a choice about what gets into your home's mail box, and what doesn't. As the trusted leader in stopping unwanted junk mail, they've worked hard to develop effective, long-lasting processes and procedures that really can cut junk mail by up to 90%.
Oh, Lauren
I, myself, have had a few of these moments. One randomly popped into my head today. We were at Patrick's house one weekend, just hanging out. They all decided that they wanted to cut their hair. I, being the closet hairdresser that I am, said I would help. I didn't want them looking like fools using clippers on themselves. Longer spots here and there. Thank God for them that I was there to assist.
After Kenny was done with as much as he could do on his own, he asked me to help get the spots he missed. No problem. I thought that first, I would shave his neck and get all that grossness off. Onto the rest of his hair.Guard.was.still.off.the.clippers. I went for the spot right in the front, a little to the right. OhmyGodI'msorryI'msorryI'msorry. I just stopped. Kenny sat there in silence, like if he didn't acknowledge it, it didn't happen. It was an area about 3x1. My eyes welled up with tears (I am NOT a cryer). As soon as Patrick saw, he started laughing hysterically and making fun of me and poor Kenny's head. The more upset I got, the more they made fun of me.
For a good week, we would put mascara on the shorter area to "fill it in". You don't realize how well thickening mascara works until you really need it.
For some reason, Kenny still let's me help with his hair. What a trusting fella. He does, however, make sure I do his neck last.
Peanut Butter Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins

2-1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 cup sugar (or Splenda)
Still happily married
Done! Even the dogs are tired...
Well, I am happy to say that Kenny and I will not be getting a divorce after last night's project which, by the way, consumed 2 1/2 hours of our life. I never want to see another little tiny organic square decal again, but other than that we're good!Kenny only talked to me like I was 4 once. I rolled my eyes twice. He pushed me out of his way a few times, only to have me push back. The words, "Do you want me to just leave and you can do this yourself?" only left my lips one time. I almost destroyed about 4 columns of squares by making them all stick to eachother, but Kenny saved the day.
I was going to count every single square so I could say how many I touched. Yes, we had to rub EVERY SINGLE SQUARE off of the backing paper onto the wall.
UPDATE: Bought it here! By the way, this entire site is amazing! http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5226382
Divorce worthy?
I may or may not be getting a divorce after this is said and done. I see yelling and bickering about whether or not it is straight and if the air bubbles are all out in the very near future.
I'll let you know.
Near and far
First of many bumps in the road
From drab to fab, hopefully

So, we are going to start on our backyard this weekend. I cannot even explain what a chore this is going to be! Basically, we have to completely start from scratch. Yes, the house has been there since 1979, but someone, somewhere decided to give up on the backyard and everything went downhill from there. I know a lot of people do landscaping and upgrade their yards, but I really feel like we got the short end of the stick on this one. There are random rocks and plastic sheeting where it used to be completely rocked. There were sprinklers at one point, until someone decided to close off the area where the pipes came out from the crawl space. Completely sealed. The fence on the left is falling over (do NOT even get me started on that conversation with my neighbor). Oh, and our yard slopes the wrong way. Yes, we have to make our yard go in a different direction-piece of cake. Kenny and Patrick jackhammered every piece of cement on our property on Wednesday. We are saving about $4000 by doing this part ourselves. The new concrete comes next week. Kenny says they put 12 hours in on it. He lies. He said, that together, him and Patrick worked about 6 hours on it=12 hours total. Whatever. I am pretty sure that is not how that works. So, this weekend, Patrick is bringing his tractor to our house and all the concrete is going to be put in the 20 yard dumpster that is currently sitting in front of our house.
I, myself, really cannot do much, so I have taken on the role of Stepford wife. I will cook and clean up after the boys and make sure everyone has a beverage at all times.
If anyone wants to help, you know where we will be...
Date nights are pricey nights
We decided to go look at new beds. Look. Get a feel for what is out there. Ours totally sucks. Every morning we wake up with some new pain or body part that has fallen asleep. I have not figured out if it because our bed sucks or if it because we are getting old. I am obviously going with the first. Well, looking turned into buying and we are having our new king sized bed delivered to us tomorrow afternoon. It is amazing and I am so excited I can barely stand it! This is kindof like when I went to Honda to buy a new heater/AC knob for the Accord($8) and we left with a new Element(not $8). Kenny and I do not do well "just looking". It's a problem we have.