There are many many times every week, that Kenny just does something, well, Kenny-like. The statement, "Oh Kenny." is said every time, mainly because there are no other words.
I, myself, have had a few of these moments. One randomly popped into my head today. We were at Patrick's house one weekend, just hanging out. They all decided that they wanted to cut their hair. I, being the closet hairdresser that I am, said I would help. I didn't want them looking like fools using clippers on themselves. Longer spots here and there. Thank God for them that I was there to assist.
After Kenny was done with as much as he could do on his own, he asked me to help get the spots he missed. No problem. I thought that first, I would shave his neck and get all that grossness off. Onto the rest of his I went for the spot right in the front, a little to the right. OhmyGodI'msorryI'msorryI'msorry. I just stopped. Kenny sat there in silence, like if he didn't acknowledge it, it didn't happen. It was an area about 3x1. My eyes welled up with tears (I am NOT a cryer). As soon as Patrick saw, he started laughing hysterically and making fun of me and poor Kenny's head. The more upset I got, the more they made fun of me.
For a good week, we would put mascara on the shorter area to "fill it in". You don't realize how well thickening mascara works until you really need it.
For some reason, Kenny still let's me help with his hair. What a trusting fella. He does, however, make sure I do his neck last.
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