
If it makes you happy

Me: So, I ordered the most adorable reusable grocery bags last night. I am so excited to use them!

Kenny: Wow. That sounds like a big waste of money. They are free at the store.

Me: Yes, but that is very wasteful.

Kenny: I really don't see the point.

Me: Well, they make me happy, so that should be enough. I don't see the point of your stupid remote control helicopter, but it makes you happy. That's enough for me. Plus, I won't break a part on my reusable bags every time I use them making me spend even more money like you do with your helicopter.

Kenny: That is true.



Bonnie said...

Also, your bags don't cost several hundred dollars, so when it inevitably careens into the ground below, it isn't a big pile of wasted money.

Lauren said...

EXACTLY my point Bonnie :)

Mimi said...

nice work - I haven't touched the topic of re-usable grocery bags yet as I just had to explain the purchase of Pampered Chef Batter Bowl - because I have more than enough bowls. But this one is special to me... ;)

Lauren said...

I completey understand. I have a thing for bowls too. And, batter bowls are the best. They are just so cute!

Lisa said...

Your bags will not clog the local landfill like the plastic broken parts of the helicopter!

Lauren said...

See? YOU all get it!

Patti said...

Guys are just....guys!