
Near and far

Sometimes I don't really think this is the life I am supposed to be living. I am truly grateful for everything that I have, but I just feel off. I want to help people, really help people. I want to travel. I want to drive around in an RV. I wanted to go to New Orleans after the hurricanes. I want to go to Africa and help out wherever I am needed. I want to buy one way tickets to places far away and just discover and explore with no sense or urgency on needing to get somewhere else. I want my life to be an adventure. I want to wake up and wonder what great things I will see and experience. I want every day to be full of surprises. I want to give myself, entirely, to a cause. I want to live my life to the fullest and have no regrets. I want people to be proud of me. I want to do it all with Kenny.


Anonymous said...

It's doable! I have friends that just sold their house & bought around-the-world tickets. You would probably enjoy their blog- berglon.blogspot.com
Also, look into the WWOOF program...

Lauren said...

Their blog will probably make me depressed! I will be so jealous....going to look now ;)

Lauren said...

I just don't get how, financially, people can do it! I need to read up I guess.....

Anonymous said...

You pretty much wrote the defination of motherhood. The best, most selfless, life affirming thing you could ever do. Just so you know.

Lauren said...

Good to know Nic, good to know...hmmmm.....

Patti said...

You know what I always say: "Everything you want is on the other side of fear". I don't really always say that. I only say that when someone is afraid and wants something. Go for it!