
To be young again

A family friend of ours graduated high school yesterday. We went over to their house last night where I met Chloe.

Hi. I’m Chloe and I’m 4.

Hello. I’m Lauren and I’m 26.

Twwwweeeeennnnnntyyy sixth?

Yep. That’s old huh?

Really old.

I remember when I was little and I used to think 30 was old. How times have changed.


Lisa said...

I used to think that 21 was old when I was Chloe's age. Now my mantra is that 40 is the new 30! And I am sticking to that!

Lauren said...

Cheers to that! I've heard 50 is the new 30! 60 is the new 40!

Lisa said...

Woohoo! Even better! So then 40 must be the new 20 . . . so what does that make 20?

Danielle said...

I tagged you, suckah!


Patti said...

20 is jail bait and I don't get danielle's comment. Does that mean I'm old?