A family friend of ours graduated high school yesterday. We went over to their house last night where I met Chloe.
Hi. I’m Chloe and I’m 4.
Hello. I’m Lauren and I’m 26.
Twwwweeeeennnnnntyyy sixth?
Yep. That’s old huh?
Really old.
I remember when I was little and I used to think 30 was old. How times have changed.
I used to think that 21 was old when I was Chloe's age. Now my mantra is that 40 is the new 30! And I am sticking to that!
Cheers to that! I've heard 50 is the new 30! 60 is the new 40!
Woohoo! Even better! So then 40 must be the new 20 . . . so what does that make 20?
I tagged you, suckah!
20 is jail bait and I don't get danielle's comment. Does that mean I'm old?
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