
Damnit Danielle

UGH-Nicole's sister apparently has nothing better to do. I've been tagged. Thanks a lot Danielle. If I don't do it, I am a party-pooper and if I do, I am just LAME. Well, look what option I chose. Damn you. It won't hurt my feelings if you don't read the rest of this post, really. And just for the record, I will not ever do this again. Got it?

The Rules:
Each player answers the questions about themselves. At the end of the post, the player tags other people and posts their name, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know they've been tagged and asking them to read your blog. Here goes nothin'.

What was I doing 10 years ago?
Hmmm, 10 years ago I was almost done with my Junior year of high school. I probably had already checked out and was just going through the motions until summer break finally began. Beyond that, I remember nothing.

Five Snacks I Enjoy:
1. Meringues
2. Grapefruit
3. Cheese and crackers
4. Popcorn
5. Pretzels

Things I Would Do If I Were a Billionaire:
1. Travel
2. Donate
3. Take care of my family/friends (just one) forever
4. Have loads of fun
5. Build an eco-friendly house

Five Places I Have Lived:
1. New York
2. Arizona
3. Texas
4. Colorado
5. Dublin, Ireland (That one is just a wish)

Five People I Want to Get to Know Better (A nice way of saying “Tag. You’re it!”)
1. Amanda
2. Patti
3. Bonnie
4. Mimi
5. Scary Mommy


Scary Mommy said...



Lauren said...

I know, I know. I am so sorry. Thank Danielle. What a jerk :)

Mimi said...


Danielle said...

Um, so sorry to have made you lame Lauren. Because you weren't taking care of that all by yourself anyway...

Please, resume bitching about work instead....

*wink* *smile*

Lauren said...

Wow, brutal Danielle!