There is one woman here, I swear to God, that has done or been involved with more messed up things than anyone I know. And I know some messed up people. It's fine. I am not judging her. But, the thing is, I am not her friend. I am barely an acquaintance and I know EVERYTHING about her.
There is also a group of people that sit behind me that "share" with each other throughout the day. I sit in awe, while pretending to listen to my iPod, listening to every word they say. Do they not see these conversations better fit for happy hour? Maybe they could dish their dirt at Starbucks one evening? Am I asking too much? I should say I used to just pretend to listen to my iPod. Now, I really do. I don't care what happened to them when they were little. I don't want to hear about how awesome it was when they cheated on their husband.
The only thing anyone knows about me here is that I am married and I actually like my husband. I do fun things with my weekends. We have been working on our house. That's it, and that's all they will ever know.
Every night when I leave this place, I think, wow-my life rocks. Everyone has their stories, their past, but my coworkers are some seriously F-ed up people.
My advice: tattle-tale on them to HR. :)
Awesome idea EXCEPT I drop the F bomb quite frequently and could totally be written up for that...don't want to start anything ;)
Also, HR is a breeding ground for monsters.
But Bonnie, not all monsters are bad.
Like ET
you two are sooooooo cute!
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