I think it is so interesting to see people’s first impression of me and then when they get to know me, how that drastically changes.
Many times, people tend to think I am a very proper person when we first meet. I don’t think I look very proper, but I guess it is a vibe I give off? The first time I drop an F-bomb, they look at me like, “Oh, isn’t that cute? The innocent girl just swore.” All those that know me, know that I use that word way more than I should. I know it can be tacky, but frankly, many times there is no better word. Fine, I’ll work on it…maybe.
Other times, people think that I am stuck up. This one is just based off of looks alone (I am not being conceited, that’s what I have been told.). I have had a bunch of people tell me that they were relieved when we met because they were not looking forward to it. They thought I would be super snobby and way stuck up. Again, I have my moments (for sure) but I would like to think, that they are just moments, not who I actually am. Could I be less caddy? Probably. Will it happen any time soon? Probably not.
A lot of times, people think I am loaded (money-wise, not alcohol-wise).
1. IF I was, do you think I would be working? Heck no! I am not one of those people that “likes” to work or thinks that it is something to do during the day. TRUST me, if I could not work, I would be all over it.
2. I got a pair of diamond studs (off of E-bay, for a penny. Yes, a PENNY) and I wear them every day and every day I get compliments on them and how beautiful they are. They are a carat each and look totally real. If someone flat out asked me if they were fake, I would totally tell them, but if they don’t, I keep my mouth shut. One day, 2 coworkers of mine were talking and one said to me, “Nice fake earrings.” The other guy jumped in and said, “Oh no. Lauren would never wear fake earrings. It’s not her style.” All the while I was just sitting there, smiling.
3. I do see how people can think this one though, although they are completely wrong. We are definitely fortunate, no complaints there. But, loaded? Not so much. I get peels once a month-from a friend. I get my hair done every 8 weeks-from a friend. My mom cuts it. You get the idea.
So, to sum it up. I am not as innocent as you may think. Far from it, actually. I am not proper. I am not rich. I am not stuck-up (most of the time). I do have a horrible sailor mouth. I wear fake diamonds and pretend they are real. I am a smart-ass, but mean no harm. I can be caddy from time to time. I like to have pretty hair and clear skin. Any questions?
Based on your description I see why you became a McKee. Quick wit, keen sense of style, frugal when necessary, smart, not afraid to share an opinion, and you like to look good . . . nothing wrong with that, just like the rest of us!
Aw, thanks Lisa!
You know what I like about you? You are who you are and make no apologies for it. Nothing is worse than someone who is fake. But I'm with you on the earrings. Don't ask, don't tell. Let people think what they want. You have no idea how much fake jewelry I have that people think is real. I am married to a doctor afer all. But if anyone asked I'd tell them it was fake as a three dollar bill. So....Don't go changing, I love you just the way you are!
Thanks Auntie P! I'm not saying I can't be a better person, and I work on it a bit every day (well, most of the time ;) ) but I think I am pretty ok!
Nice-well done with the jewelry. Good cover being hitched to a Dr. Nice touch.
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