

I just recently purchased these for the girls. We go on a lot of walks and now I will even be helping the environment when they poop! Sometimes, I even amaze myself.


Mimi said...

weird - I left a comment a couple days ago about you and kenny waiting awhile...it must not have stuck or pregnancy brain user error.

You are amazing!! The bio bag is a good find, always wondered why I was putting perfectly biodegradable poop in a non biodegradable plastic bag.

Lauren said...

I'm just giving you a hard time :)

I know-we think we are helping but we are just preserving the crap!

Patti said...

I use those bags for Ellie when we are in Florida. I wish they made them smaller though. Ellie's poo is very tiny.

Lauren said...

That's awesome that you already use them! Why on earth didn't you tell me about them? :)


Manders24 said...

Love it!