
The time has come

I cannot believe I am about to say this. Brace yourself people. These words do not come easy for me.

I am ready for kids. Or, a kid. Whatever.

This is the last you will hear mention of it though. I will not:

1. Obsess about it and tell everyone that we are a) trying or b) practicing. Who says we are and, frankly, no one wants to hear that.

2. Point out every baby when we are in public and say how adorable they are and how I want one now, right now. This very second. Get me one. I.want.a.baby.

3. Just because I am ready for them still does not mean that I like yours. Kenny and I will still roll our eyes at your ill-behaved spawn. Since we don't have kids yet, this is still completely acceptable.

If/when it happens, it happens. I have just decided that I am ok with it now. It would be really great to have a kid or two and raise them with Kenny. They would have to be tough little cookies though because as many of you know, Kenny hurts kids. Not on purpose, it just happens. Anyone remember Cole and the matador? Poor kid. Never saw it coming.


Anonymous said...

Wow that is amazing. Mine seems to be getting better, and we're more accepting of each other. When they say it changes your life. THEY MEAN IT!!!!! I'm sure that you and kenny would be quite the awesome parents.

Lauren said...

Aw, thanks Scott ;)

Mimi said...

You have a very healthy and appropriate approach...can't wait to hear the big news, whenever it comes. :)

Patti said...

I love #3,and I totally agree. I also seem to remember something about one of the kids crying when we were at some park near Pikes Peak and Kenny was definitely involved. That's ok though, shit happens and they usually heal nicely. I know though that you are only having a kid so that I will crochet something for it. Right?

Lauren said...

Obviously, that is the ONLY reason we want to procreate Auntie P!

bestmama said...

Just so you know...the not liking other peoples kids doesnt go away when you have your own. I still can't stand everyone elses kids...but love mine.LOL

Danielle said...

Shut up!

That's awesome!!

(I SWEAR my word verification is: cariest. Did they forget the "s".."

:) I'm kidding

Anonymous said...

Its about freakin time. I have three out of the shoot and you're about due my dear. And the comment about not liking other peoples kids...I agree. I still get annnoyed at other peoples kids and their parents. It doesnt go away. Heres hoping Kenny has good swimmers. Now get off the PC and hop in the sack, or bathroom floor if thats your preference!

Lauren said...

I never knew such a simple post would render so many comments! Sheesh people, I never knew! And, Nicole...that's enough out of you ;)

Lauren said...

I never knew such a simple post would render so many comments! Sheesh people, I never knew! And, Nicole...that's enough out of you ;)