Mary Ann, Kenny's mom, is nuts (God love her). She was over yesterday for dinner and proceeded to tell me that she saw Delanie* being born.....
in the clouds. This is definitely not the first time she has seen things in the clouds. I am relatively positive that this is a weekly occurrence. She was explaining to me that she saw a DM in the clouds, clearly for Delanie McKee. Then she saw her being born. I said, "So, you saw a giant cloud vagina? That's kindof gross." While looking at me with disgust, she told me it was more like a tunnel. Oh, and she had hair like a monk, bald on top.
In the past, she has told me that she saw half my name in the clouds, but she isn't sure what that means. I have a few ideas...
*Delanie is my soon to be niece! Monica is due any day now!
P.S. This was written out of love for my MIL. So, back off sensitive people.
Ahhhh, yes. The clouds...I remember hearing a few of those, myself...
Why were YOU in them?
Gotta love the entertainment MIL's provide. On another note, LOVE the name Delanie, that was one of my favorites if we were having a girl, but my husband didn't agree.
It IS a really cute name :)
.......aaaand I just got another cloud-related story from Kris, from today...
About? Fill me in!
Hmmmm... A vagina in the clouds? She may want to get her head checked ;)
I saw it too. I have the pictures to prove it. I sent it to you by e-mail I didn't think it would let me attach it here
Oooh! now I get the picture steve e-mailed to me. Should have read your blog first before I opened my e-mail. By the way, I could have told you a long time ago that your MIL is nuts. Her head is always in the clouds.
I'll have what she's having...
Love it! Now I feel better about my rampage yeserday on the phone...
Wow! That is crazy because the other day I saw her initials spelled out in my cereal. haha
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