Does this remind anyone else of those hamster cages with the tubes that would take them to the other rooms and then there would be a round look-out ball on top for them to check out the scenery? Anyone? Just me?
This is our attempt to provide a "bathroom" for the girls while we are at work-A peepad in the blue crate. Genius right?
This is our attempt to provide a "bathroom" for the girls while we are at work-A peepad in the blue crate. Genius right?
Not so much. They ripped up the peepad TWICE. Hazel decided to sleep in there one day. They have NO clue it is their bathroom.
And yes, those are their food bowls holding the back end of their kennel up. What about it?
Ha! Just the word "peepad" is what gets me!
First I have to tell you I've never commented on a blog before. You are my first. Second, your little bathroom setup is cute but probably won't work because they still consider it part of their den. It was a considerate thought though. Call the Dog Whisperer, he will know what to do.
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