
Back to reality

Kenny and I are sitting in Chicago waiting for our flight back home. Since we have a 4 hour layover, I thought now a good time as any to recap on our trip. We had a really great time and are sad to be heading home already. Aside from the 3,427 mosquito bites that I have, we could not have asked for a better trip. We got to spend time with great family, that we just love, and just have a good time. Between the great company, delicious food,a million laughs, and the party, we couldn't have planned a better visit!

Oh. Well I guess I have one complaint. Aunt Patti should have raised a better son. One who isn't a big, fat cheater.


Patti said...

I know, I did my best but they don't always turn out like you want them to. Plus now if I try to tell him something he just knocks me down.

Lauren said...

He's the worst ;)

Steve said...

They always say that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. If you could have experienced Bryan as a youngster growing up you would probably would have wanted to pull out your hair at times. I'm sure that that can be said of just about any of us. We all have our moments. Even so Patti did an amazing job. You only have to look at what little gentlemen Bryan and Sarah's boys are to know that they are being brought up right. I'm sure some of it is due to the fact that Bryan does not want to be subjected to the same thing that he put his mother through. They will be story tellers just like their dad and I'm sure when it comes to the 14th annual Labor day Kayak races at the farm they will be in the thick of it just like their dad. You'll probably also a repeat of a familiar refrain. Jullian, Nicholas go get your father before he drowns. Now that I have all of the niceties said he really did cheat in the second annual race when he almost drowned his favorite uncle.

Yourmamasbooty said...

My number one goal in life is to be attractive, my number two goal is to win Kayak races. I actually train throughout the year for that event. Steve you said some very nice things, and for record I tried to drown you only before I knew you could get me a discount at Gander Mountain! Julian and Nicholas had a great time with all of you as did Sarah and I. Hopefully we can do it again soon and then you will all have a chance to knock the king off his throne. Until then you must bow to me. Good LUck and Godspeed!

Steve said...

The comments come from the heart.