
Pocket Shock It

Kenny's brother, Kris, gave him this game when he came out for Christmas. You can have from 1-4 players. Each person holds a corner and a song begins to play. When the song stops and a red light appears in the middle, everyone has to squeeze their corner. The last person to do so gets shocked. Like, really shocked! Kenny made me play until I lost and, let me tell you, I am not a fan.

Then after some delicious beverages, we all decided to try it between various body parts. Skin has to be in contact with both sides, so the armpit seemed like a genius place to try.


Patti said...

I am definitely going to get one of those. Pain is good!

Lauren said...

No, it is not......This thing is nervewracking!

Mimi said...

Dude that looks hilarious, until it's my turn! ;)

Anonymous said...

It is, perhaps, one of the best and most entertaining things ever invented by humans.

Lauren said...

I would have to agree.

Danielle said...

This looks hilarious! If nothing else, just for the pics!!