

On Sunday, Kenny and I sat down and took a look at things. And when I say things, I mean our finances. Last week I wrote about how I did not have a choice when it came to going back to work. My good friend (thanks, Linds!) pointed out some other options that could possibly work out so I could stay home. Well, they worked out! I get to be a stay-at-home mom! Money is going to be a little tight, and I am still looking for something to do part time from home, but we can make it. It is going to be so worth it for our family and I could not be more thrilled about the whole thing! A huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders, and I have no stress anymore. I was so worried about trying to get her on a schedule before I headed back to work. I was worried about a million other things like what I would need to buy for the woman that was supposed to watch her to worrying that everything would go well from day to day when I wasn't there.

I am so grateful that I am now able to raise our daughter, Lennon, full time. I have the best job ever.


Nicole said...

I am so happy for you. You will never regret these years with her....ever. :)

Patti said...

That is so awesome that it is going to work out for you. I never wanted any non family members watching my grandkids so thankfully I am able to help out. Not to mention how much you will save in daycare.

And yes, I am still planning on coming out in May.

By the way, measure Lennon's feet. I made some of the cutest baby boots and I want to send you a pair. I'll email you the website so you can see them.

Unknown said...

Good Call!
You will not regret doing this!

Erin S. said...

Hi! I am new to your blog and it broke my heart to read your post from the other day about having to go back to work. I am so glad you were able to work it out! I live in Canada where we get a year off if we choose and I STILL couldn't have left my son to go back full-time. I now work part-time (out of the house) so that I don't have to spend more than a few hours away at a time (he is now almost 15 months). I just can't imagine how tough it is for mothers to leave their babies at only a couple of months old. You will never regret doing what feels right over having more money :)

Lauren said...

Hey, Erin!

What are you able to do part-tme from home? That's great for you! And, I am totally jealous of you getting a year off! That's great!

mary said...

Lauren... Not sure if this would interest you, but a friend of mine tutors, and makes really good money doing it. The kids come to her home, so it makes it even more convenient. Just a thought... Good luck and kudos to you for making the choice to stay home with Lennon. Years from now, you will still marvel at the thought of not being able to leave her. The best decision1

Erin S. said...

Hi Lauren,

I am an accountant and I just happened to find a start-up company that didn't need a full-time person. Basically I got lucky. And I meant that the job is outside of my home rather than I work out of my home. Oops! I am finding that the part-time thing is the best of both worlds. It feels really good to actually have a reason to get out of the house and I enjoy my time with him SO much because it isn't the only thing that I get to do. I didn't start working again until my son was 10 1/2 months though. Enjoy this time when she is little!!

And the year off thing is definitely great...the money isn't much though...