
My poor girl

The good news is I did not break my baby. The bad news is that we think she has reflux. We went to the Dr. on Friday and she's now on medicine for it. It has not started to work yet, but we should hopefully see some improvement in the next couple days. Fingers crossed. It's been a long couple of nights. We are on night #3. Wish us luck.

1 comment:

Manders24 said...

Good luck! Jax didn't have reflux, but he was colic until about 5 months old, so I definetly know the feeling of literally no sleep! Luckily you know it gets better, I would just tell myself over and over again, there will come that day that I will get sleep again:) The first year is absolutely the hardest, but literally once they turn one they are totally different and parenthood is a breeze at least for a few months!! Plus I vowed when Jax was a baby I would never have another one...and look somewhere along the line I changed my mind!