My little Clementine is adorable. We just love her to pieces. She's our fragile little flower. You can't yell at her, or she cries. If you grab her collar (with your damn pinkie) to bring her somewhere, she pulls on it and cries. You can't look at her like you are upset with her either. She cowers, tucks her tail, and has even cried. Do you see a trend? So, we have to treat her differently. She still gets in trouble, but we "yell" at her in a normal tone and volume.
She also has selective listening skills. When outside and we call her to come in, most of the time she will just look at us then keep going about her business. When it is time for her to go in her kennel, she just stays on her pillow near the front window and completely ignores us. These quirks don't bother me one bit. It makes her who she is.
She does have one habit that disgusts me beyond belief.
Clementine is always hungry, always. We feed her enough, and three times a day, so she is never starving. But, if we are in the kitchen, eating downstairs, or my mom's dog is eating her food, Clem is ready for to grab whatever may fall to the ground. She has one treat
imparticular that really gets her going.
I am not even kidding. It is repulsive. She likes to find poop in the backyard and snack on it. It has been dubbed
poopsicles or soft serve. What is soft serve do you ask? Oh, well, that is when Hazel is outside getting ready to drop a deuce and Clementine is 3 inches from her ass just waiting for it to come out. This is no joke. We try to keep an eye on her, so she does not do it that often, but the second we look away, she is ready and waiting by Hazels
pooper. What cracks me up about the whole thing is that Hazel is the one with the nasty breath. The one that snacks on crap has totally fresh breath! How unfair. People have given us a million ideas on how to stop it, but frankly, they are all too much work. Or, they don't work at all.
I really hope this doesn't deter anyone from cuddling with my little Lemon next time they see her. She has mouthwash, and I use it.